BOOK FAIR! It’s that time again. The book fair will be here March 7th - 10th . Students will be able to purchase books during their library time and the last hour of school if they have free time. The library will stay open after school until 5:00 Tuesday and Thursday, and Wednesday until 6, for the community. Support your classroom Library! Help teachers by donating a book on your classroom's wish list. There will be a teacher award for the class with the most books purchased. There will also be a class drawing. For each book purchased, that student's name will be entered into a drawing. There will be a winner chosen for each class and that student will receive a free book of their choice. You may also choose to purchase books online, this is a convenient way to make your purchases that will still benefit our school. Scholastic is also offering a new program called ewallet. This allows you to add funds to your “wallet” so your student can purchase books online or at the fair without having cash in hand. You can locate our fair online by going to starting March 4th. Thank you, Mrs. Tia 719-829-4806
almost 3 years ago, Abby Yates
Get your basketball playoff shirt!! Show your support for your Panther Basketball Team by clicking the link to order. - Orders must be done by noon tomorrow - Pick-up will be Thursday in the afternoon Let's Go Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Regionals 3
Get your basketball playoff shirt!! Show your support for your Panther Basketball Team by clicking the link to order. - Orders must be done by noon tomorrow - Pick-up will be Thursday in the afternoon Let's Go Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Larrick
Regionals 2
Great win for our Panthers!! On to regionals next week! We are proud of you!!! 💙🐾🏀 #pantherstrong
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Districts 2
Mark your calendars!!! 💙🦉💛
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
FFA auction
💙🐾🏀 Last day of the district tournament is tomorrow! Show our boys your support by wearing blue and cheering on our Panthers !! Game time is 3:20 at the Lamar Community Building!! 💙🐾🏀
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
District basketball 1
We would like to congratulate our Wiley Girls Basketball team on a well played season. We are excited that the Wiley Boys Basketball team made it into the 2nd round of Districts. They will match up Thursday night at 7pm vs. McClave at the Lamar Community Building. Come out and support your Wiley Panthers.
almost 3 years ago, Abby Yates
Special School Board Meeting Agenda
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Brookshire
Special Meeting
Due to basketball playoff games happening on Tuesday, February 22, HS students will be dismissed at 11:35am for the day. PreK-8th grade will still have a full day of school. If you are planning on picking up your students to attend the game, please contact the office before 11am so that we can plan coverage for classrooms. All district games will be streamed on NFHS. Games are being played at the Lamar Community Building with Wiley girls playing at 12:40 and boys following at 2. Come out and support your Wiley Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
🏀 District Basketball Schedule is out!! 💙Wiley girls play on Tuesday at 1240pm 💙Wiley boys play on Tuesday at 2pm Come out and support your Panthers!!
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Look at all the fun happening next week at Wiley Schools!!! REMINDER - There is no school on Monday, February 21st, President's Day.
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
FFA Week 2022
GOOD LUCK to our Rivals Wrestlers!! We are behind you, cheering you all on this weekend. Leave it all on the mat!
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
State Wrestling
Wiley Kids; Kindergarten - 5th grade....come join in the fun!!
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Youth Wrestling
Good luck to the County Line Wrestling Team 💙💛❤️ Wrestle hard at Regionals!!
almost 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Wrestling Regionals 2022
Congrats to Westin Langston for being a 1A Mile High Prep Player of the Week!!
about 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Wiley Panther's Basketball Fajita Dinner
about 3 years ago, Abby Yates
Fajita Dinner
Wiley schools will be on a two hour delayed start for Thursday, February 3rd. Secondary students will report to 1st and 2nd hours in-place of 3rd and 4th hours. Temperatures are going to be extremely low in the morning. Please make sure students are dressed appropriately for the weather and if you have a student who walks to school, please make sure they are able to get a ride.
about 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Wiley schools will be on remote learning tomorrow, Wednesday. Attendance will be taken by checking into google classroom for each academic subject for all 6-12 grade students. Elementary students can complete work assigned by teachers through class dojo.
about 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Update for games on 2/1: Start time has been pushed back to 4:30pm.
about 3 years ago, Abby Yates
Happening Saturday: PURPLE OUT NIGHT 💜 🏀Come out and support your Wiley Panthers and show the community fo Cheraw how much we support them by wearing purple. 🏀We will take donations for the Rodriguez Memorial Fund and families at the gate and with our cake raffle. 1/2 JV Boys @ 2pm Varsity girls Varsity boys See you Saturday!!
about 3 years ago, Melissa Larrick